Your residence is in the French part of Switzerland. Therefore we'd like to let you know about the the existence of the association „EXIT Suisse romande“.
EXIT ADMD Suisse romande
Chemin Frank-Thomas 80
1208 Genève
022 735 77 60
For your information: Exit Suisse romande speaks exclusively French. German-speaking assistants are available only for assisted suicide.
- if you want to join EXIT Suisse romande, leave the current page and please directly turn to :
- if you want to remain with EXIT Deutsche Schweiz, ignore this note and continue filling in this form.
If you ever need an assisted suicide in Western Switzerland, we would hand over your dossier to EXIT Suisse romande for this purpose, as EXIT Deutsche Schweiz does not have any assistants in French-speaking Switzerland.
We're pleased to be at your service for questions by phone on: 043 343 38 38.